
VT owns spare parts warehouse which currently stocks over 1352 line items of spare parts with over 38 million birr in value.The warehouses are monitored by digitalized “HillMaster” inventory software system to ensure a complete control over the supply chain to our customers.

We always try to maintain a wide-range of spare parts for the equipment we supply to meet our customers immediate requirement. In the event that the required spare parts are not available in stock, we would make our best effort to import the parts from our foreign suppliers in the shortest possible time.

Vanguard Technologies Plc

Lideta Subcity, Woreda 04,

House Number 160.

Behind Anbessa Shoe Factory

P.O. Box 14743

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Tel: +251 11 371 6840

Fax: +251 11 371 6841

Mob:+251 91 152 4865 (66–70)


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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Einfo[@]vantech.comM+251 911 52 48 70